OKIDO is a comedy adventure, science-educational series following a curious, adventure seeking and unruly monster called Messy as he finds the answers to everything a 3-5 year old child wants to know. Why do things fall down and not up? Where do echoes come from? Messy goes on incredible adventures with his two best friends, Zoe and Felix to find the answers. They are helped along the way by the bonkers science trio Zim, Zam and Zoom. Together they will fly to the moon, shrink to the size of atoms and fly on the back of a giant butterfly.
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Messy Goes to Okido Is Included With These Streaming Services
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Messy Goes to Okido Is Included With These Streaming Services
Sky Go (Requires Paid Subscription)
Main Language: English
First Aired: 2015-09-07
Total Number of Episodes: 104
Total Number of Series: 3
Latest Episode: Season 3 episode 26 The Big Bang
Messy travels back to the start of the universe to find out where everything came from.
- Season 1:
- Series 2:
- Season 3:
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